Fall Furnace Cleaning and Tuning

DATE: October 24, 2017

Cold weather is just around the corner in the Louisville and Kentuckiana area. In fact, the weekend approaching is bringing with it dropping temperatures. Now is the time to act on making sure your furnace is thoroughly cleaned and finely tuned. In this month’s, Comfort Talk with KCC, let’s discuss the importance of a clean and finely tuned furnace.

A clean furnace is very important for your health and for your pocket book. It will not only ensure that you are breathing in cleaner air, but it will allow your furnace to run more efficiently and therefore save you money on energy costs. While turned off during the spring and summer months, a furnace can gain some pesky little critters. It is not unheard of to have your furnace cleaned only to discover mice, and even a beehive hiding in the compartments. If not cleaned, these pests, along with built up debris will burn, and you will be stuck breathing in those fumes… YUCK!

We all know that carbon monoxide is not something that we want too much of. But even a clean and efficient furnace can emit a bit of carbon monoxide. A dirty and inefficient furnace, however, can produce extra amounts of carbon monoxide, which can be harmful and even deadly.

Once your furnace is cleaned by one of our professionals, fine tuning can begin. One of the most important steps in fine tuning is a combustion analysis. Combustion analysis’ test your furnace for carbon monoxide. Once your furnace is nice and clean, you can get a better feel for how much carbon monoxide is being emitted from the unit itself, and not from the debris within.

Carbon monoxide is certainly one of the more hazardous threats to a dirty and non-tuned furnace. But aside from that, having your burners cleaned and aligned, along with having the flame sensor and igniter checked can create better efficiency. It is always safer, less expensive, more efficient, and certainly more comforting to have a thoroughly clean and finely tuned furnace.

Give us a call, today – (502) 491-9880

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